Many people would love to have a clock in their sigs or in their webpages, well... don't look no more this is the place to be.
This site will help you with your HTML, the tutorial is writen in simple and plain english and you won't get lost about where the tags go and how, his site is just great, why don't you go to his place and have a look!!!
This place is also good for beginners, enjoy it.

Here is another great site for those who are looking for HTML tutorials.
I must say that this cover the basics in HTML and it's a great help for any Webtv user, it doesn't matter if you are a Classic or Plus user.
It's good if you want to work in your sig box or your own webpage, so here it is Slowpoke's site.

If you are looking for some Javascripts you have come to the right place. This site has some basics in Javasripts that you can use in your webpages.
Keep checking this site because it will be updating pretty soon with more graphics and midis.

Well guys and gals I'd suggest you to visit this page...Why??? This page is just great, not only has good links but also has an excellent presentation.
I see now why this site has won some awards, this page has the feminine touch and I like it.
Made feel like if I was back at home. Come on, go and see it for yourself.
Keep up the good work.

Here is another place for newcomers, this place teaches you the basic about assigning shorcuts for your favorites and about transloading files to your webpage ( if you have one).
Pretty soon this place will have more info about HTML so keep checking this page.