Welcome to our Cyber News Page in this page there's some links to sites that has the ultimate news in technology, virus, etc.
You might say but we use Webtv!!!, well.... at least You will know what the rest of the world is talking about by reading some of the news you will find on these sites.

One of our favorites sites is this one with some of the latest news in the Webv world with some cool interviews with some of the people who helps others in the alt.discuss.html newsgroup which by the way is for Webtv members only.

The following site has some serious news to read of course is the MSNBC site, please take a look and you will have some interesting news to read

We know that some of you just got a computer, this site is a good place to download some freebies, try some new sofware, or a new screensaver, some software that will make the internet pages for you.
Visit this site just to see what it has to offer.

Ok some of you are addicted to video games and what better site than Videogames, you can find in there info about your favorite game or magazine like EGM, or Playstation, EGM2,etc.